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HCA Blogs . Clare Pryke

In a past teaching job, a highlight of the day for me was getting out my singing

Sack at circle time . This was basically a white pillowcase that I had drawn crotchets and quavers on, and filled with my children’s toys (I did ask them first!).

This activity can be enjoyed at home with your children, nursery or charges.

Simply find a pillowcase and draw your musical notes/symbols on , whatever you

choose. It would be nice to involve your child by getting them to help you look for

objects/toys around the house. Fill your singing sack and hey presto!.

Ask your child to close their eyes and pull out one object. On doing so sing a nursery

rhyme that it corresponds to. Sing songs you both know or introduce a new one.

Extend their learning and sensory experiences by describing the sounds,- are they fast, slow, loud, quiet etc. Listen to a wide range,and genres of music. Allow your child to use ' technology’ for e.g, a c.d player, so they can choose what to listen to – as many times as they like (maybe not as you like), make instruments using junk modelling, and experiment with sound. Have fun making simple rhythmic patterns!

Count whilst keeping a beat, and repeating sequences. Or incorporate two claps,

two head taps, etc.

Be spontaneous!

These activities cover one of the areas of learning and development set out within

the EYFS.

Expressive arts and design – using media & materials.

~ Go find some toys & objects. And have a good sing song ! ~


Worm There’s a worm at the bottom of my garden

Sheep/lamb Baa Baa Black sheep/ Baa Baa White sheep

Teapot I’m a Little Teapot

Spider Incy Wincy

Bowl/spoon Little Miss Muffet

Fish Slippery fish/ 1 2 3 4 5 Once I caught a fish

Crocodile Look at the terrible crocodile I oh I oh I oh

Star Twinkle Twinkle

Bus Wheels on the bus

Car I’m driving in my car

Shark Baby shark do do do do do do

Boat Row row row your boat

Frogs Five green and speckled frogs

Mouse Hickory dickory dock

Doll Miss Polly had a dolly

Sun symbol Sun has got his hat on

Ducks 5 Little ducks went swimming one day

Rabbit Sleeping bunnies.

Frying pan 5 fat sausages

Flannel This is the way we wash our face ( Mulberry bush tune)

Bun 5 currant buns in the bakers shop

Glove Tommy thumb

Cow Hey diddle diddle

Rainmaker I hear thunder

Rubber hammer Peter hammer's with 1 hammer

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